You have finally realized that you need a PR firm to achieve the reach and awareness you envision for your products and services, so, how do you avoid falling prey to the wrong PR firm? Let’s run you through 3 forms of lies you are likely to run into and how to avoid falling for them.

But first, to be clear, a lot of PR firms and practitioners are not liars but some sometimes get caught up in the excitement of getting, impressing and keeping clients and as such make exaggerated statements.

Lie # 1. “Your product is the best.” 

Can this assertion be verified? In the bid to work with you, hyping your product might be a tactic used; however, it is important that you do not get carried away by this. Focus on how the PR firm can best promote your product, increase your brand’s awareness and help increase sales, and not on the hype of how it is the next best thing since sliced bread.

Lie # 2. “Everybody would love to hear about it.” 
A PR firm may initially tell you that they can promote even the dot and tittle in the letters of your company’s name and get maximum reach. But, you wait forever and this never materialises.

The truth is, while there is a target audience for each product, they are never called “everybody.” Focus on a PR firm that gives you something specific and measurable as this shows they are more likely to be honest and aware of what they are doing.  You also need a PR firm who can properly translate your message, product or services to reach your intended users and those best suited for what you are offering.

Lie # 3. “You need to be everywhere, every time.” 
When most companies hear this, they immediately start to flood media outlets and social media with news, press releases and other information that they think people care about but actually don’t. You need a PR firm that will help you develop a comprehensive content management plan that will serve your uniqueness, and company goals. You should not also simply promote your company’s presence because that’s what the competition is doing, you need to focus on what works and is best suited for you and your target audience.

At WildFlowerPR, we make sure you get the most from your PR initiatives and goals. We set measurable objectives, provide innovative and effective branding, and consistently dialog with our clients to provide them the best service. Contact us today for your PR needs.