Love, Drama, Fun, Friendship and more in Upcoming Sitcom: University of Cruise!

Created by ‘Oma Areh, directed by Adeoluwa Owu to be released exclusively on ROK TV DSTV & UK

African and diaspora audiences in Nigeria and the United Kingdom are in for a treat as a brand-new young adult sitcom is set to make its exclusive first season debut on ROK on DStv and GOtv as well as ROK UK on Sky TV UK and Free view. After concluding principal photography in 2021, the brand new series is ready to captivate viewers across the continent and diaspora audiences in the United Kingdom. The 13-episode series was created, and executive produced by marketing and communications expert Ifeoma ‘Oma Areh and directed by award winning filmmaker, Adeoluwa Owu.

“University of Cruise” chronicles the adventures of seven diverse friends as they set foot into St Cruz University, a private university in Lagos, Nigeria. Amanda Dara, Nancy Ameh, Esther Agunbiade, Scott Obilor, Vine Olugu, Chisom Onwuegbuzia, and Solomon Mike. The comedy series also features Nollywood icon Mercy Johnson-Okojie who doubles as co-executive producer and music star Ric Hassani who is the voice behind the official soundtrack ‘Uni girl.’

“University of Cruise has been a labour of love 3 years in the making, explains series creator and executive producer ‘Oma Areh. We had a committed group who believed in the story we had to tell and put in their best, from our director, our incredibly talented cast, and the whole team. We are also excited to have a great partner in ROK, who believed in the project.” She added.

From a lighthearted standpoint, the series insightfully explores several themes and lessons from today’s campus subculture; from academics to love, finances, cultism, peer pressure, social media, the influence of music and pop-culture and much more. This sitcom is a fresh, unfiltered take on university life in Nigeria, and it’s got all the attitude to take the audiences on the rides of their lives.

Watch Trailer Here:

The series is produced by WildFlower Productions/ WildPepper Studios in partnership with Continued entertainment with associate producers Dr. Ralu Onubogu and Dr. Sarah Inya Lawal of Ascend Studios. It will begin airing on Rok TV on DSTV/ROK TVand Rok UK from October 7, 2023.

For media inquiries, interviews, and more information, please contact:

 Winifred Onyejekwe 09057552353

Follow us on Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, and Facebook for exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks! #UniversityOfCruise

7 Effective Strategies for Marketing to a Nigerian Female Audience

 “Pleasing a woman should be as easy as making her your top priority.” ~ Anonymous

There’s nowhere this quote should come alive than in marketing to women. In this case women in Nigeria.

A look at majority of Nigerian TV adverts of the 70s, 80s and some from the 90s gives a glimpse into the marketing considerations of brands in those eras. – An unprecedented level of patriarchal patronage.

This may not be unconnected with the then positioning of women. Coupled with the expected gender roles, majority of Nigerian women at the time were less educated, poor and politically non-existent.

Now, the wheels are gradually turning for good. There are more educated Nigerian women. Majority of women entrepreneurs. Many more politically active women now trot our sphere, and the enlightenment quotient of the Nigerian woman is on a major rise, making it an error for any brand to try the marketing tactics of the past now and expect to win.

Why give consideration to female audience in marketing?

The Nigerian woman has perceptual and behavioural modes different from that of their male-counterpart, therefore marketing to her in the same mode as her male counterpart may not result in the same favourable outcome.

Secondly, Nigerian women are more advanced in knowledge, education and financial status. They possess a broader knowledge and view of the world now unlike it was in the past.

Therefore, any marketing effort that fails to take cognizance of these changes will fail to win them over.

How then can you market to the Nigerian female audience?

#1. Understand your women

We cannot say this enough. Learn about the exact demographics of your target female audience. Everything about them. Their age, life stage and all you require to totally understand them.

Understanding those helps you in designing strategies that would effectively market and convince them to make purchasing decisions favourable to you.

#2. Balance out equations

When you have a mixed target audience comprising of males and females, even things out by incorporating contents that communicates to both genders.

If it’s possible, use a mono marketing content that speaks to all target audience at once. If not, create marketing contents that specifically speaks to your varied audience, male and female.

#3. Don’t gender-generalize

Marketing to women does not mean you should lump all women together and shoot your contents at them. Hell no!

Just like in other audience types, women come in segments by status, interest, age, and other differences that separate each one of them from the other.

So, targeting them in a lump would be an error that will yield negative marketing results.

#4. Dig their likes, use them

Freebies, kids, cute men are just some strong magnets for the Nigerian female.  When appropriate, use these audience attractions in your contents while marketing to them.

One word of caution, use them in an intelligent manner.

#5. Freebies are bae

According to a study conducted at the King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, female consumers are more likely to respond to freebies regardless of their income levels. Same can be said of the Nigerian woman.

The average Nigerian female consumer, regardless of her economic status likes and looks out to maximize opportunities to purchase goods that comes with a promise of freebies.

In order to make your marketing attractive to a Nigerian female audience, dangle freebies around your offers when necessary.

#6. Beautiful colours are the new pink

It is a marketing error to presume that women love a constricted number of colours and go ahead to use them for ads and other marketing content.

Just like the men, women are attracted to a variety of colours and would react to marketing contents that speaks to their emotion no matter the colour.

Just make it beautiful and attractive.

#7. Tap into their emotions

Women are emotional beings, they’re prone to expressing their emotions and falling for emotions than the men.

All a savvy business person needs is a deliberate tap into this and win them over.

One of the best ways of doing this is by infusing storytelling and fun into your marketing content, then watch them get stuck to your brand as ants to sugar.

How to Leverage Trends for Brand Awareness on Social Media

Every business person wants their business to generate more income and grow beyond the teething stage.

They exploit every opportunity that lean towards this end and make the best of gains out of them.

Savvy business people do more. They go the extra mile to ensure things happen, including spending on marketing using social media. And adequately maintaining a successful social media account for a business comes with some handsome budgeting, but leveraging trends for your social media marketing efforts can get your business an organic viralty that can compete with its paid counterparts.

The good news is, the Nigerian society and its political arena presents on the steady, tons of trends that can be leveraged by businesses to drive massive social media awareness for their brands and save social media marketing costs.

An example is the story of the snake that swallowed 36 million naira which many businesses latched on to create conversations around their brands.

A good example leveraging a trend for social media content

Here’s how you too can do same.

#1. Understand your audience

We know that you already know your target audience, but when a trend surfaces and you wish to jump on it, there’s the need to remind yourself of those basics again.

Ask yourself, who’s my audience? Will this flow with them? How are they going to perceive this? Before you proceed.

#2. Be hyper sure it’s a trend

Trends are ongoing conversations and opinions about an issue of massive common interest. Not every noise is qualified to be a brand.

You need to be able to decipher which conversation deserves the trend crown before integrating them into your brand conversation.

The easiest way to do this is to pay attention to the trend section on Twitter, and check out for real time conversations on Twitter surrounding the identified trend.

#3. Play by audience location

Consider the location of your audience before jumping on trends.

The trend should match with your audience location. This is because trends in countries foreign to your audience will only generate snubs and no engagements. Engagement is needed to be able to drive awareness using trends.

#4. Twist narrative to suit your brand offer

When you notice a trend that suits your brand and fits in with your audience, the next thing to do is to create and weave a message that is in tandem with your brand’s offer around the trend before sharing them with your audience.

#5. Be creative, make it fun

One basic truth about marketing on social media is this, the audience wants to be either educated or entertained.

For this reason, any message with a touch of fun easily gels with online audience and sparks them into engaging with them.

So, make it fun.

Good intentions gone sour: A social media post weaved around a trend that triggered a customer’s ire.

#6. Scrutinize for offensiveness

Even when they have checked out on all the other criteria, social media content meant to leverage a trend for brand awareness still needs to be cross-checked for offensiveness.

Share the post with a friend or colleague who shares similarities with your target audience how they feel about the content before you post.

#7. Share with appropriate hashtags

This caps it all.

When you’re done with every other thing, share your post with industry hashtags that match with the topic of the content you wish to share. Then post.


Of all the other social media platforms, trends go more viral on twitter. Consider using Twitter for posts weaved around trends.

Posting on the social media when your audience is offline may limit the performance of your post, so note when your audience is online and make your post to meet them at the point of their visit to your social media handle.